Freely & Lightly is dedicated to helping the followers of Jesus discover and grow in the abundant life Jesus said we could have.

Meet the team

Mark Warner
Podcast Host 

Freely & Lightly


The Freely & Lightly podcast is full of encouraging stories, practical suggestions and down-to-earth approaches to living the Matthew 11:28-30 life. Centered around spiritual practices as a means to a deeper, more intimate life with God, the podcast explores the heart of what it means to keep company with Jesus.

Listen (Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Spotify, Stitcher)


The Freely & Lightly website, designed to support the weekly podcast, puts all of the episodes front and center. Browse the latest installments or explore the archives to catch up on what you may have missed. Each episode includes links to mentioned books, videos and reflection exercises so you can go deeper.


The website also features a list of suggested resources, a snapshot of upcoming events designed to deepen your life with God and a growing collection of courses, devotional guides and small group materials.